Americanism & Government Scholarship Test
Students are given the opportunity to receive recognition and scholarships by taking an online test comprised of 50 multiple-choice, true, and false questions followed by an essay question of 300 words or less. The program is endorsed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and is open to any Wisconsin student in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Scholarships are:
* 10th Grade- 11- $250 Scholarships awarded
* 11th Grade- 11- $300 Scholarships awarded
* 12th Grade- 11- $750 Scholarships awarded
2022 Test Dates are March 14-25, 2022
Schneider-Emanuel American Legion Scholarship
(Due March 1) Three deserving graduates of any accredited Wisconsin high school will be awarded the sum of $1,000 to be applied to the cost of continuing education at any degree-granting college or university within the United States of America.
Scholarship Application
American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund
The American Legion wants to ensure higher education is a possibility for children whose parents lost their lives while serving our country. Beginning with the 2017 award year, The American Legion expanded the scholarship to include children of VA-rated, post-9/11 veterans with a combined disability rating of 50 percent or higher. The American Legion and the Legion Riders offer support through the Legacy Scholarship Fund.
American Legion Oratorical Speech Contest
Participants in the American Legion Oratorical Contest develop leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and are better prepared for the acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, for the rights and privileges of American citizenship. A single main speech topic related to the United States Constitution will be required with a length of 8 to 10 minutes, as well as an "Assigned Topic" that must consume 3 to 5 minutes of the presenter's delivery.
* Each District winner will receive an Oratory Medal
* Each Regional participant will receive a $600 scholarship
* The winner of each Regional contest will receive a $1000 scholarship
* The Department finalist receives $2000 for first, $1500 for second, and $1000 for third
* National finalist receive $25,000 for first, $22,500 for second, and $20,000 for third
Each Department (State) winner who is certified into, and participates in the national contest's 1st round receives a $2,000 scholarship.
Those who advance past the 1st round receive an additional $2,000 scholarship.
American Legion Baseball Scholarship
Any team manager or head coach of an American Legion (post-affiliated) team may nominate a graduating senior who plays on a Wisconsin American Legion team. Deadline: July 15 of each year.
Eagle Scout of the Year
(Due March 1) The winner is eligible to receive a $10,000 scholarship to be awarded over a four-year period.
Samsung Scholarship
Deadline Prior to the 1st day of the 2022 session
Samsung, a worldwide leader in electronics, endowed a scholarship fund of five million dollars to be administered by The American Legion. The endowment was made to show appreciation to U.S. veterans who came to the aid of Korea during its struggle against communist forces during the Korean War.