
Mason-Lindsay Post 385, The American Legion



P.O. Box 140, Portage WI 53901

Website www.amlegionauxwi.org


I’m a member. Now what?

Each of our 379 units across Wisconsin typically pick activities that best serve the needs and interests of their members and communities. There is no limit as to how you can contribute. If a does not participate in a particular activity you are interested in, you can always suggest that they start or contact the Department Program   Chairman to see how you can contribute on an individual level.

***This is not an all-inclusive list. A unit may do other activities in support of our veterans, their families, and the community. ***


Volunteers are always needed and welcomed at any of the VA facilities:

Kenosha Care Facility, Kenosha WI

Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, Madison WI

Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis MN

Oscar G Johnson VA Medical Center, Iron Mountain MI

VA Great Lakes Health Care System, Tomah WI

Wisconsin Veterans Home, Chippewa Falls WI

Wisconsin Veterans Home, King WI

Wisconsin Veterans Home, Union Grove WI

Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee WI





Promote the Americanism Essay Contest

Promote “Get Out to Vote” and encourage others to vote

Know basic flag etiquette and share with others

Present flags to schools, churches, etc.

Recognize those exhibiting flag protocol

Attend/conduct/sponsor a flag retirement ceremony

Say the Pledge of Allegiance

Wear the American Legion Family brand

Fold Pocket Flags and send to soldiers serving abroad

Dress in red, white, and blue on patriotic holidays

Fly the American flag and encourage family, friends, and

neighbors to fly the flag

Sing the national anthem at a meeting, sporting event, or any

public gathering

Sign up at www.legion.org to receive notifications on when

to display the flag at half-staff

Demonstrate respect for the flag (stand, remove hat and

hand salute) at public events

Write a letter to the editor reminding all the significance of

patriotic holidays

Plan/participate in patriotic holiday events (Memorial Day,

4th of July, Veterans Day, etc.)

Fly the American flag and encourage family, friends, and

neighbors to fly the flag



ALA BADGER GIRLS STATE -visit the ALA BGS website www.alabgs.org, or contact the chairman listed above.

BOWLING –Encourage/participate in putting together a bowling team of four members to compete in the annual 9-Pin bowling tournament in April.



Read to children at the local library

Volunteer at local schools

Organize a Halloween party (in place of door-to-door activity)

School supply drives for area schools

Check with local reserve centers to see if they have anyone deployed. IF yes, offer to assist with family gatherings that are held while the family members are deployed. Offer to babysit for parents that are now "single parents" while their family member is deployed.

Some units have partnered with schools to provided sacks of food for students to take home so they have something nutritious to eat over the weekend for those who rely on the free and reduced lunch meals during the week.

Organize a Star-Spangled-Kids event

Give a GI Josh to the child of a deployed service member

Volunteer at a Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) camp program

Wear purple on April 15 in honor of Purple UP! For Military Kids day.

Contact your local churches, homeless shelters and food pantries to identify homeless veterans’ children and offer your services as an ALA member

Contact the voluntary services representatives at the VAMC and offer to work with them to help meet the needs of children of homeless veterans.

Plan a special celebration of military children during April in honor of the Month of the Military Child

Volunteer at a Family Readiness Group event where KDH2 “I’m a Hero 2” buttons/stickers can be distributed



Help with or donate for a Blood Drive

Donate to a Food Pantry/ Volunteer at a food pantry

Help with Elementary Vision testing

Donate to your favorite charity

Donate tray favors to Meals on Wheels

Donate to needy families in your community

Plant and/or take care of flowers at parks

Serve meals at a Care or Senior Center

Bake cake and/or help serve lunch for a funeral

Donate to the Spirit of Christmas

Serve coffee for Court House Anniversary

Donate your time to Meals on Wheels

Plant and take care of flowers at Church

Hold monthly card parties

Recycle Items




Award Unit Scholarships

Donate to Past Presidents Scholarship

Promote the Legion Oratorical Contest

Donate to M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund

Donate resources that children or teachers may need

Participate in the Give 10 to Education program

Save Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education and send them to local schools

Send cards to all local school staff (i.e., bus drivers, custodians, etc.) thanking them for the work they do.

For a complete listing of all scholarships offered visit https://www.amlegionauxwi.org/scholarships



Work the patch program

Help with and participate in any other program activities listed

Paint your pinky RED during Poppy Month (May)

Enter the Poppy Poster contest

Provide peer support for military children

Be a Miss or Junior Miss Poppy

Participate in the Oratorical contest

Enter the Americanism Essay Contest

Fold Pocket Flags and send to deployed troops

Enter The American Legion shooting sports program

Participate in military/patriotic observance days

Help the unit plan some kid friendly activities and crafts

Do YouTube videos to let others know about the Auxiliary and what junior members do.

Adopt a school, share the Story of the Poppy and Flanders Field poem

Tweet and use social media to inform friends of Auxiliary activities

Support American Legion Baseball by attending their games and volunteering



Participate in leadership workshop

Take National ALA Correspondence Course

Protocol- learn proper procedures for meeting structure

Instill a culture of goodwill

Learn about Why, Where and When the World’s largest Women’s Patriotic Organization was formed

Become an informed and educated member of the Auxiliary



Attend Salute to the Legislators

Visit your legislator

Attend a Town Hall meeting

Write a letter to the editor advocating for veterans

Promote “Get Out to Vote”

Get a subscription to the Dispatch

Monitor legislative Facebook pages, Department and National websites for legislative updates

Actively post The American Legion’s legislative priorities on social media

Subscribe to the Legion’s Legislative Action Alerts to receive notification when they call on all Legion Family members to take immediate action on a topic.

Work with your Unit and Post to host a “meet the Candidate” night. Make veterans/military issues the primary topic for discussion.


Always wear an ALA emblem; pin, shirt, hat, patch, etc.

Set up a table at community fairs with displays of activities

related to ALA

Invite ladies to assist with an activity prior to becoming a member

Invite community members to Legion Family celebrations where veterans are honored/recognized for their service

Attend local school activities where veterans are recognized for their service

Offer transportation to members that no longer drive or drive at night

Brainstorm with members to identify ways to work the ALA mission - try new  things periodically

Carpool to training events such as ALA in the Know and Mission Training as well as District/Department/National events

Be welcoming, kind and respectful to members of all ages and backgrounds.

Exhibit Service Not Self in all activities and interaction with others.



Send letters, cards, and packages to soldiers

Donate and/or assist at a local blood drive

Make and send Camo quilts

Create and send Toasty Toes to the soldiers

Buy Girl Scout cookies and send to soldiers

Shop for and prepare care packages

Donate to Legion’s Project Cares

Donate to Operation Air Time

Make a monetary donation to the Support Military Families Fund – ALA Department of Wisconsin

Coupon clipping to be sent to overseas commissaries for locations to send coupons: www.grocerysavingtips.com/expiredgrocerycoupons.htm

USO of Wisconsin – volunteer, provide in-kind or monetary donations: www.usowisconsin.org click on Volunteer or Support for more information

Provide free hotel rooms or airline tickets to the families of wounded, injured, and ill service members who are undergoing treatment at authorized medical centers when a Fisher House is not available. www.fisherhouse.org/ways-to-give/



Distribute poppies

Create poppy wreaths for distribution

Sponsor entries for Department Poppy Craft

Be a Miss or Junior Miss Poppy

Display poppy posters in the community

Host event to award poppy prizes

Create poppy education display in library, community or senior center, or window of a business

Enter the Poppy Poster contest

Work with local government to have Poppy Proclamation in local newspapers

Adopt a school, share the Story of the Poppy and Flanders Field poem



Build relationships with your local media and political figures.

Promote Auxiliary events on your personal social media accounts.

Wear your officially branded ALA apparel, ALA pins and/or “Honoring Their Service” button.

Write a letter to the editor and/or News Release for patriotic holidays and events.

Distribute ALA brochures and posters throughout your community at libraries, job fairs, medical facilities and Post homes.

Add photos with information about what is happening, especially on social media



Volunteer at any VA facility or Camp American Legion

Participate in Stand Downs and Veteran Job Fairs

Give gifts and cards to Veterans in nursing homes

Create and donate items from pattern book

Record veteran histories

Help elderly veterans at home

Provide transportation

Raise/donate money for the Veterans Creative Arts Festival

Volunteer to call Bingo or serve snacks at Veteran’s facility

Make tray favors for nursing homes on patriotic holidays

Write thank you notes for Honor Flight Mail Call

Send Off/Welcome Home Honor Flight Veterans

Help with Buddy Baskets

Quilters: Get involved in Quilts of Honor

Encourage Unit to Adopt a Vet if not already doing so

Check out Wisconsin’s Camo Quilts program

Get involved in the Elizabeth Dole Foundation: www.elizabethdolefoundation.org

Get involved in the VA Caregiver Support Program: www.caregiver.va.gov/

Support Hoptel, Fisher House, and Boudicca House monetarily or with requested donations


Simply thank a Vet! It means a lot!





The American Legion Auxiliary offers assistance in the form of grants to homeless or at-risk of homeless women veterans and their children. For the most current application please contact Pat Smith or the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin Headquarters at deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org / (608) 745-0124

This is a one-time only assistance grants for Wisconsin female veterans who have been honorable discharged. Requests for assistance require sponsorship by a veterans’ benefit representative, verification of honorably discharged veteran status (DD214) and a completed financial worksheet. Woman veterans receiving assistance from Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary must be participating in a support program within the Federal or State VA system and will need to include the name and location of the Veterans Affairs program she is participating in along with the name of the counselor/supervisor the woman Veteran is working with. National Guard members who may still be serving but have never served “active duty” are eligible to apply. See grant application for complete rules and requirements.